Kickstart helps to install system unattended. It uses kickstart configuration file and dhcp service for this.
In windows systems kickstart file is known as answer file.
###These are the steps happening.###
Server[dhcp+ks] client
1. asks IP and location of kickstart file the info
3. Takes the ks.cfg file and mounts share of OS
###dhcp [nfs/ftp/http] + ks.cfg [nfs]###
The dhcp is using for getting IP for the client machine at first for instation and to get the location of Ks.cfg file. The remote installation image can be of NFS,HTTP or FTP. The kickstar file will be shared using NFS.
###KickStart Configuration###
package = system-config-kickstart
#yum -y install system-config-kickstart
Basic configuration
Default Language = English USA
Keyboard = U S English
Time Zone = Asia/Culcutta
Root Password = redhat
Confirm Password = redhat
check the encryption box
Target Architecture = x86,AMD64 or Intel EM64T
Check the reboot checkbox
Installation Method
Installaton method = Perform new installation
Choose the Installation Method = NFS //You can use HTTP or FTP if you want
NFS server = IP of the machine which contains NFS image of DVD
NFS directory = Path of NFS share
Boot Loader options
Install New Boot Loader
Use GRUB password if required
Install boot loader on MBR
Partition Information
Do not clear MBR
Remove all exisiting partitions //Removing linux partitions only wont work all time. Windows partitions will be deleted.
click add button and configure as required
Network Configuration
Click Add Network Devices button
Select the network device which is connected to ur machine
network type = DHCP or STATIC [manual]
Authentication Configuration
check use shadow passwords
check use MD5
Firewall Configuration
Firewall Configuration
Security level = Disable firewall
SELinux = Disabled
Display Configuration
Check Configure the x-window system
In General Tab
Color Depth Resolution
8 1024*768 //Default 640*480 will give a blurred image
Default Desktop
Check Gnome
Check Start X window system on Boot
package selection
Nothing to do //We will add package lines
Pre-Installation Script
Add if wanted
Post-Installation Script
Add if wanted
Configuration over. Save the file. Open the file for further editing.
#vi ks.cfg
Add these lines - Otherwise it wont work.
key --skip
And these lines for Graphics
###Make it as NFS share###
copy the ks.cfg file to some dir and share it via NFS
#mkdir /kick
#cp ks.cfg /kick/
#vi /etc/exports
/kick *()
#exportfs -a
###DHCP Configuration###
Add these lines to DHCP Configuration file
#vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
filename "/kick/ks.cfg";
next-server; // [ip of the machine which contains kickstart file(ks.cfg)]
#service dhcpd restart
#service nfs restart
#Boot: linux ks
Have a break. The system will be ready when you get back!
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