Sunday, November 21, 2010

Installing Virtualbox on Fedora 13

Today we are going to see how to install Oracle Virtualbox in Fedora 13 Goddard which is the latest release from the Fedora Community.
  • To install virtualbox we should first go to
  • In the downloads section we can see Virtualbox for Linux hosts and if we follow that link we can see the Virtualbox for Fedora 13′s link.
  • Depending on the architecture of OS installed download either i386 or AMD64 version.
  • Now before installing it let us install 2 important packages namely gcc and kernel-devel packages.
For installing gcc open terminal and give the following command
#yum install gcc
Now to install kernels development package first find out the current kernel you are using.
#uname -r
See whether there is anything like “PAE” in the output of the above command. if so install the PAE kernels devel version. else normal version.
#yum install kernel-devel
#yum install kernel-PAE-devel
Now import the public key of virtualbox package using the command
wget -q -O-
| rpm --import -
Now navigate to the folder which contains the virtualbox downloaded package and give the command.
#yum localinstall VirtualBox-3.2-3.2.6_63112_fedora13-1.i686.rpm
The above command will pull out the necessary dependencies if any and will compile the kernel module too :)

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